Healthy Organic Food, Harvested Locally
Food at the centre is included in your retreat, and the content of your meals can vary depending on the plants you are dieting, or the style of retreat you are attending. We offer dieta friendly foods, incorporating juices and smoothies made from amazonian superfoods, Peruvian grown grains and produce, and local organic chicken and fish caught daily from the Amazon River. We emphasize vegetarian & vegan cuisine, supplemented with fresh, local protein sources.
We offer a daily menu based on what is fresh, available, and in alignment with your dietary needs. It is our intention to serve revitalizing, nutritious and delicious whole foods daily, as we believe that food is medicine and should be prepared and eaten with consciousness, and infused with intention and love.
Dietary guidelines are essential to you getting the most out of your experience with all of the plant medicines we offer. You can think of this as creating a blank canvas within your system so the plants can work to their greatest potential. By eliminating certain things from your diet, what you’re doing is cleaning your body, physically and energetically, acting to heighten your awareness, so that the plants can work within you, and heal you to their fullest.
These guidelines apply in preparation to working with the medicines, during your intensive or retreat, and as well as post-dieta, once your intensive or retreat has concluded. From the perspective of this shamanic tradition, the work with these plants is not considered finished until many weeks or months after the actual ceremony or ceremonies.
To prepare the body for this work, is in a sense a very profound ritual and ceremony in itself, acting out a sign of respect for the sacred vessel you carry, for the spirits of the plants you will be working with, and in honor of the beautiful nature of your own healing journey.
““Without diet, the spirits may not bless you with their presence at all. To sacrifice one’s vices, and face the challenge of avoiding addictive ingredients, is a sign of courage, respect and readiness to do the work that your own spirit has called you to do. Diet is the beginning of a profound process of self discovery, increased self awareness, and aids a person in being able to identify which patterns serve and which may be acting as barriers, limiting one’s full potential from being reached. If the body is the temple, then it is during diet that the body may be acknowledged as the divine vessel for spirit that it is. It is also during diet, that the full power of the spirit may be experienced, felt and even seen.””