Huachuma Ceremonies

The Pathway To The Heart




“For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.” -Rudolph Steiner

Huachuma - San Pedro Cactus

Huachuma (Trichocereus/Echinopsis pachanoi), is also known as aguacolla, hahuacollay, pachanoi, achuma, andachuma, wachuma, & San Pedro(St. Peter). Huachuma is a shamanic medicine that has been utilized and revered for milennia by indigenous healers and vision seekers of South America. It is considered by many master Amazonian & Andean curanderos (medicine people) to be one of the greatest of all plant teachers, a master healer and diagnostician. Many refer to this teacher as Abuelo Huachuma, or Grandfather Huachuma, as the medicine seems to hold a truly divine masculine presence, not a presence of an overpowering masculine, but one which holds a powerful space of love and support, while always maintaining strong boundaries, and revealing when the teaching is earned, a profound and unmatched enlightening wisdom. The Huachuma Spirit is believed by many to predominantly reside within the cactus’ principle naturally occurring psycho-active alkaloid, known as mescaline. This is the same psychedelic alkaloid that is also found in peyote (a small button like cactus from North and Central America), revered highly by the Mayans, and many north American natives. Yet still, despite their similarities in the presence of mescaline, huachuma as a medicine, holds something so unique, and uncomparable. This medicine has the ability completely change a person’s life for the better, when partaken in, within the sacred container of ceremony, and the assistance of a dedicated shaman, and the power of well directed intention. While this medicine can be taken outside of ceremony, Grandfather Huachuma makes it clear to those who learn from him, that the ceremony itself, and the shaman is just as important as the medicine. A well held ceremony is what holds the container of love and honor, and facilitates for all those who honor it a deep connection with Pachamama(Mother Earth) & the elements of nature. From this place huachuma has the ability to help the shaman to accurately diagnose and heal, within the container of the ceremony, illnesses of the mind, body and spirit.

What Is A Plant Teacher?

Plant Teachers are one of Creation’s greatest gifts to humanity, as they are here to help us raise our consciousness during times of confusion and adversity. Many shamans of the world have sighted in their own deeply rooted teachings, which they believe wholeheartedly to come directly from the realm of spirit, that much of the sickness of the world is derived from an attachment to a culture which conditions us, and teaches us to regard an array of mental concepts above our truly timeless connection to mother earth, father sky, our star brothers and sisters and all of the elements. If this is true, then clearly one of the most important and meaningful remedies for humanity at this time, is that which reminds us of that eternal connection to all of life, and helps us to realign the priorities of our lives. Some say that a plant teacher is an enlightened being, an avatar spirit, embodied in the form of a plant, a tree, a vine, a cactus, a mushroom, and that when ingested in a sacred manner, with honor and intention, that we can call the spirit of that plant, to heal us, guide us, and help us see the path forward.

Huachuma As Grandfather Time

It is challenging to say that any being, especially one so magical and full of wisdom, as is Grandfather Huachuma, is entirely one thing, as all beings are so much more than we could ever imagine, but throughout our extensive experiences with this medicine, we have begun to affectionately call Huachuma, “Grandfather Time.” We say this, because time and time again, he has shown us the path through time, the stories, themes and narratives which had carried us through lifetimes. Huachuma can teach us to surrender and make peace with time, to realize that some lessons take lifetimes to learn, and some masterships require lifetimes of dedication to arrive at true mastery. Huachuma can help us make peace with our inner children, and teach us how to be a father and a mother to our own inner children.

Health Benefits Of Huachuma

Ancestrally Huachuma has not only been used as a teacher plant, but has also been embraced for it’s array of general health boosting benefits. Huachuma has ancestrally been used to:

  • diagnose illness

  • vision quest

    And in the treatment of:

  • liver & digestive issues

  • hemorrhoids

  • addiction

  • neurological disorders

  • diabetes

  • various types of cancer

  • arthritis & other joint related issues

  • kidney and bladder problems

  • fevers

  • anti-biotic resistant strains of bacterial infections


“In a huachuma ceremony, Pamela and Brown create sacred space by calling us into relation with the four directions, the sky, the earth, and our own selves. With their songs and wisdom, Pamela and Brown hold a reverent yet playful and kind atmosphere where grandfather huachuma's medicine can really melt and expand the heart and where it's easy to tune into messages from our souls. Then they serve fruit and chocolate and it's the most exquisite feast! I have felt so, so joyously softened, renewed, and strengthened from every time I've sat with Pamela and Brown and Huachuma. I highly recommend the experience! I seek it out whenever possible.” -Carolyn Elliott

Elemental Affinities

Huachuma, which grows in the high Andes mountains growing straight up from the earth to the sun, connects us greatly to the elemental energy of the sun, the fire within and the heavens above. For this reason, the ceremony is traditionally held in an open area on the earth during daylight hours, where all participants can connect deeply to the energy of the sun, which the Incas referred to as Inti. Late in the day a sacred fire is lit and becomes a focal point of the ceremony, helping to bring forth the energy of light and transformation.

In the Words of a Huachumera

(soon to be added)

Key Principle Teachings of Huachuma

  • Vision

  • Honor

  • Faith

  • Forgiveness

  • Responsible Stewardship & Guardianship

  • Unconditional Love

  • Reciprocity

  • Discipline

  • Timelessness & Infinite Expansion

The Ceremonial Structure & Flow

Every shaman/ceremonial leader/huachumero(expert in huachuma) will hold ceremony a little bit differently depending on their own training, experiences and the types of initiations they’ve undergone to earn the honor of carrying this medicine. While exact timing and flow may vary from ceremony to ceremony, depending on the energy of the day, the location, the participants present, and the direct guidance from the medicine, there is a general structure, which is vital to honor, as it is the structure laid out by Huachuma himself. Below we have listed the key components of our Huachuma ceremonies, to give you an idea of all that’s involved.

  • Preparing an Altar

  • Setting Clear Intentions

  • Make Offerings to the Earth & the Spirits, Guides & Angels

  • Blessing & Drinking The Medicine (3 rounds per ceremony)

  • Opening Of The Directions(East,North, West, South, Sky, Earth, Self)

  • Calling the Winds Of Huachuma

  • Singing Icaros(sacred songs) to Call the Spirit of Huachuma, the Plants and other Elemental Energies into the space for Support, Healing & Guidance

  • 1-on-1 Healings(at integral times in each person’s journey)

  • Past Life Channelings (as directed by the medicine)

  • Ancestral Cleansing

  • Shamanic Drum Journey

  • Cleansing Aromatic Flower Bath

  • Preparation & Lighting of the Sacred Fire

  • Songs & Rituals of Transformation

  • Praying with the Ancestors

  • Closing Of The Directions & The Ceremony

  • Sharing Tea, Fruits & Cacao

Huachuma Ceremony Duration

Huachuma Ceremonies with us lasts an average of 8-10hrs.

For some this is a very long time to remain in a prayerful space, but we assure you that the benefits of continuing to return to one’s prayers and intentions, throughout the day, and honoring the sacred rituals & the time that they require will far outweigh the discomfort of sacrifice for anyone that sees the process through with an open mind and heart. We ask that all participants who sign up, prepares themselves to be concentrated with the medicine for the entire duration of ceremony. This includes preparing to honor the Way Of The Medicine, by committing to observe one’s own tendencies to distract oneself from the internal experience by chatting with others out of context of the medicine's process. Not only does random and unintentional conversing distract one’s self and others from the process, it also is an exercise of dishonor to the sacred container of ceremony, to the shamans who have dedicated not just a day, but their life to this path, and also to the spirit of the medicine. All relationships are only balanced when in true reciprocity, and this relates to spirits just as much as with people.

A teaching About honor In The Medicine World

When the medicine spirits are honored fully, the grace of their wisdom may shine upon us fully. If the medicine spirits are not honored however, they are not so inclined to share their wisdom and healing, as it may seem that a level of maturity is lacking in the individual to take the experience seriously. Conscious distraction can be seen as resistance to entering into true depth, and whenever we resist that which is good for us and essentially for all, then we resist the grace of the divine, and the universe’s infinite love turns from a graceful flowing kind of love into what we all know as tough-love, which then forces us into humility, instead of just quietly inviting us into humility, through the facing of our own shadow(that which we were turning away from through distraction),by inviting us into a place of wonder and great mystery. We can all learn a lot from Huachuma’s teachings of how to live a life with grace and honor.

Purgative Effects of Huachuma

Huachuma is not a strong purgative like Ayahuasca, though the medicine is quite bitter in taste. However it is known to have that effect on some, especially those with liver problems, digestive issues, spiritual illnesses, or those who are in need of deep emotional healing. Essentially the feeling of nausea arrives for most people at a time in ceremony when the source of ones imbalance begins to reveal itself, and the nausea comes as an indication of something that needs to be released. Therefore it is important for someone in ceremony who begins to feel nauseous to go further into that feeling rather than to fight it, as this is one method of how the medicine can heal us. To approach this aspect in a healthy and supportive way, one must begin to see this feeling as a path to “getting well,” instead of a sensation of “getting sick.” Releasing by vomiting, or going to the toilet can be hugely liberating in ceremony, relieving oneself of both physical toxins as well as their energetic counterparts. The lightness one can feel afterwards, by surrendering and trusting in the path of the medicine is truly tremendous.

Feeling Deeply

The gentle yet powerfully loving presence of Huachuma, has helped countless individuals in the development of trust, as one typically feels a real softening of their heart, opening one to some deep feelings within. The icaros and healings help to pull those emotions to the surface to be cleansed. Ceremony is a safe space for the deepest feelings to come to the surface.

Huachuma & The Quest For Vision

(Soon To Come)

Healing Trauma With Huachuma

As huachuma holds such a strong divine masculine presence, he can help to heal deep wounds which developed in relationship with the masculine figures in one’s life. Men who didn’t have a positive male role model in their life growing up, can get great benefit from drinking huachuma(which holds a strong masculine energy), and just the same, a woman who has experienced abuses at the hand of the masculine in her life, and who still holds onto angst and distrust, can heal those wounds through the development of a healthy relationship with grandfather huachuma. Huachuma is a healer and a guardian of the heart, he holds a very high vibrational pure energy, such that is easy to develop trust in…and healing the rifts of trust through forgiveness and compassion is also the path to the development of faith.

Pre-Huachuma Dieta

Ceremony is something very valuable and very sacred, and worth taking seriously, as for some, a single ceremony literally has the power to change their life forever, for the better. Therefore before partaking in a ceremony, it is highly recommended to show respect for the medicine and for one’s own being by committing to a process of purification of mind and body. By dieting, essentially abstaining from as many influences as possible, which lower one’s vibration, for a period of 3-7 days or more, one is making space in their mind and body. This space when honored and maintained, becomes the very pathway for which the medicine may enter. Preparing oneself well, helps to loosen up or even remove certain blocks before one enters ceremony, and this then can often translate in the ceremony into one who has an easier time connecting to the medicine. Typically speaking, there are often certain physical and energetic blocks that must be purified before a person can have a clear pathway of connection with the spirit of the medicine.

72 Hrs Before Ceremony, It is Recommended to Abstain From:

  • Pork

  • Red Meat

  • Processed Foods

  • Heavily Fried Foods

  • Hot Spices

  • Dairy

  • Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks

  • Recreational Drugs

    A vegetarian soup, as well as fruits and other vegetables are eaten after the close of the ceremony. This medicine helps connect community and each other in a heartfelt way.

Post-Huachuma Diet

After Ceremony, sometime in the evening, we typically provide a small communally shared hot meal like a potato based stew or pea soup, prepared with some gentle herbs and no hot spices. After ceremony, the stomach can still be quite sensitive, so we encourage everyone to listen to their body on whether or not to eat the night of ceremony. The next day, those who are not accustomed to intermittent fasting, might feel quite hungry, and have cravings for high caloric foods. We recommend however to really stay focused on eating as light, easily digestible and healthy as possible, avoiding processed foods alcohol, recreational drugs and eating whole foods, with minimal processed oils for at least 3 days post ceremony. This will help your mind and body to integrate the teachings and infusions of the ceremony.

The Purpose Of Ceremony Is Improve the Way We Live and Relate To All Of Life

A way to honor the medicine is to integrate the principle teachings of the medicine into our daily lives, in a way which makes the world a better place. To learn how to hold space for ourselves and others, the way Huachuma holds space for us. What a gift is this path, this medicine, and this offering from Great Spirit, the Creator, to remind us all of the divine reflection and our path home.

Setting Intentions / Why All Good Intentions Are Never Selfish oNES

(Soon to Come)


To Enroll In Our Huachuma Ceremonies, Please Follow The Step By Step Process Below

  1. For All First Time Participants(first time with us), Please Fill Out The Medical Form Below

  2. If you have sat in ceremony with us before, and don’t have new medically related issues to report, just click on our contact form below to inform us of your interest, so we can put you on the list. Please note in your message the date/dates for the ceremonies you are reserving for.

  3. Next ALL Participants will need to send a non-refundable 50% deposit to reserve your space via Venmo to @william koroskenyi, Paypal Friends & Family to, or bank deposit(at personal request)

    25% deposits may be accepted by personal request, so if you need a bit more time to gather funds, we will see if we can help.

  4. Once your deposit has been received and medical form reviewed, we will contact each of you to confirm your booking, and share any other pertinent details to help you prepare.



The Path To The Heart