In-Home Plant Dietas
What is An In-Home Plant dieta?
In the simplest of terms, an in-home plant dieta is a plant dieta done in the comfort of your own home, instead of being done in isolation in the Amazon rainforest.
The Difference Between A Traditional & An In-Home Plant Dieta
A Plant Dieta in the traditional Amazonian way, is a consensual contract, in which one enters into, with a plant for healing, learning, cleansing and opening a pathway for deep communion with one's own spirit, spiritual guides and the spirits of the natural world.
While in ancient times, and still today in many parts of the Amazon, plant dietas have been held in total isolation, deep in the Amazon Rainforest, surrounded by nature, and with next to no physical interactions outside of the one with their healer/teacher, yet the world is changing fast, in the Amazon too, and many curanderos(Amazonian Shamans) have seen that there are many who live in urban & suburban environments, who have built their homes and jobs and families there, and have attachments to lifestyles that don’t always allow them to leave to the forest for extended periods, and are in need of the healing that the plants can offer. As a result, traditional Amazonian plant dietas throughout South America, and now around the world, have been undergoing some adaptations for many years, and now many Curanderos have also found themselves serving the people in these environments for periods of time, just as we are in western Pennsylvania, and those true curanderos who are, are helping to create a bridge, a bridge of remembrance, the remembrance of not just where we came from, but also our vital connection to mother earth, and the place that such a connection holds in the total health of our beings, both in the here and now, and moving forward.
Learn More About Traditional Plant Dietas
The Following 2 links provide further information on the benefits and methodology of the Dieta process, as we facilitate them at our healing center in the Amazon. If you are interested in engaging in an In-Home Amazonian Plant Dieta, then we highly encourage you to empower & also inspire yourself with this information, even though the exact container will surely be different.
Top 10 Reasons to commit to a Plant Dieta
To receive deep emotional/psychological healing
To learn how plants can assist in one’s spiritual development & the raising of our consciousness
To receive relieve from physical imbalance & disease related issues
To address food & other substance related addictions
Elimination diet helps to illuminate potential food related allergies
To quiet the mind, expand in presence, & practice deep listening
To set a container for one’s own personal healing journey
To prioritize one’s personal spiritual practice
To honor one’s connection to Mother Earth in daily life
To cease patterns of mental distraction & replace with healthy input
More on In-Home Plant Dietas in Pittsburgh
What we are offering while we are in the Pittsburgh area, is the container to be able to go into the sacred dieta process while in the comfort of your own home.
While the type of dieta that a Curandero/Amazonian Shaman undergoes in their training and initiations, is one which is undergone in complete isolation in the Amazon, there is no reason why one can not still gain important & meaningful insights and receive valued healings, over-all health benefits and energetic alignments working with plants at home, especially when done in a sacred manner.
From this point on, we will no longer compare an in-home dieta to the traditional plant dieta, but rather offer a detailed explanation of how the dieta process can unfold in one’s own home.
STEP 1: Each Participant in the In-Home Dieta Process will require an initial 1-on-1 Consultation to determine the plant which will be most aligned. In this session we will discuss compassionately, any health & psychological issues that have been presenting challenges in your life, and your perceptions and feelings around them. We will also discuss any life traumas which may still be affecting you and your relationships today, and just as important, some of your personal goals, being that which you would like to draw into your life. This all helps us to get a snapshot of a certain frequency that you may be operating on. From there, if the plant is not yet 100% clear to us, we will do a short shamanic consultation with the spirit of Mapacho(jungle tobacco) to request the plant for your dieta, and the length of time which will best serve you at this stage of your life.
STEP 2, Opening ceremony
The Dieta will be “opened,” as part of a medicine ceremony, just like we do it in the Amazon. During the ceremony, the medicine will cleanse your body and mind, and we will sing icaros(plant spirit songs) into your energetic body to create an opening for the plant spirit to come an connect with you and offer you healing. We will also sing to you a song of protection called an arkana to protect your new relationship with the plant which has been chosen for you. This helps solidify the connection, and create a bridge between your consciousness and that of the plant. From there the plant spirit may visit you in your visions, dreams, intuitions, etc…
The morning after the ceremony, you will return to the comfort of your home. At this point, for the remainder of the week(timeframe specified during consultation), you will be responsible for keeping yourself accountable in alignment with the dieta guidelines, and focused on your healing and connection with the plants.
Shamanic and indigenous earth-based traditions worldwide are full of practices and rituals which exercise one’s appreciation, gratitude and honor of the earth. One of these such practices is the preparation & giving of an offering. These such offerings can be made of a variety of natural, beautiful and/or sacred objects like: tobacco, flowers, other important plants like cedar, sweet grass, sage, etc.., crystals, perfumes & flower water, stone/sand/flower mandalas, sea shells, jewelry, etc…the main thing is that the sacred objects being offered are something which holds meaning and significance for the one making the offering, & that whatever it is is not in any way harmful for the earth. Once the object/objects are selected, one must find the location to make the offering, like at the base of a tree, a large rock, upon a centralized stump, etc… To place the offering somewhere in direct contact with the elements is ideal. Then one must infuse the offering with a profound expression of gratitude and a prayer…a prayer which truly serves the good of all, and not just one which serves one’s selfish desires. The prayer is also your intention for what you wish to set into motion within the container of your dieta.
The Power of Prayer
The Container/Guidelines
Dedicating 1-2 hours of space and time after one drinks the medicine. to connect with oneself - the morning time 1-2 hours, after you drink the medicine, and in the evening 2 hours after you eat supper.
Social Restrictions
We encourage all at-home dieters to observe these restrictions during the duration of your in-home dieta. These restrictions are not in any way to encourage further suffering, but rather are to help each dieter to really focus on their own personal process, with as few distractions as possible.
No co-sleeping. Exceptions are made for one’s child.
No physical touch(do your best). Exceptions are made for one’s child.
No social media browsing, No movies, & No excessive chatting
If one needs to work, part time is preferable, as one will need to have the space and time to give to oneself and the process when something is stirring within, whether day or night.
Food Restrictions
The Food diet to be observed for this period is much like the Ayahuasca Dieta, however contains no fruit, or chicken.
No spices, nor any other herbs
No Pork, red meat or chicken-based products,
No fried foods – boiled or fresh or oven baked
No salt
No sugars of any kind including fruit(during the duration of the dieta)
No sex nor touching others
No oils (occasional avocado or small handful of unsalted nuts is ok)
No dairy
No citrus fruits or vinegars
No fermented foods
No processed foods
No caffeine)includes caffeine from tea sources_
No alcohol
No marijuana
No pharmaceuticals or recreational drugs
What Can I Eat/Drink During My Dieta?
A diet rich in healthy organic vegetables like: salad greens, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, & green beans. Protein sources like: fish and whole-grains like millet, quinoa, & amaranth, & also cassava or potatoes. Rather than frying, we recommend lightly steaming, or eating raw. While some plant spirits do not like eggs, others are more forgiving, and 1 boiled or poached egg per day can be enjoyed
Chamomile or Lemongrass Tea
What is the purpose of the food restrictions?
Whole plain foods gives the plant the ability to do its work within the body, mind and spirit.
How Long Before The Dieta Do I Need To Alter My Food Diet/Intake?
While it is not a requirement to make any dietary shifts prior to the start of an in-home dieta, to be able to make space for the most healing and insightful experience, there are a number of ways to prepare. We recommend tuning into your intuition as to which pre-dieta protocol you would like to integrate.
One method, would be to do a 1-5 day water fast, prior to the start of the dieta. The purpose of this method is to clean the digestive and detoxification systems of the body, jumpstart the immune system, help to purify the body of excessive salts, sugars, and caffeine, which one may have ingested, and energetically heighten one’s ability to focus in the present moment, and attune one’s etheric sensitivity, so that when the medicines are ingested at the start of the dieta, one’s body is able to identify the unique vibrational signature of the plant they are dieting. This helps one on the subtlest of levels to recognize the plants unique energies in dreams, visions, etc… This is a tried and trued method of preparing the body, utilized by many curanderos throughout the Peruvian Amazon. The most common number of days fasting prior to dieta being 3 days.
A much more agreeable option for many, who don’t wish to go without food for 1 day or more, or who tend to have low blood sugar. is to start the food restrictions noted above, 3 days prior to the start of the dieta, while still including fruits, herbal teas, and just a very small amount of salt, should one desire these. Scaling back slowly on the sweet and savory flavors can be a lot more of a gentle ease into the flow of the dieta.
Will I be able to work during my dieta?
We recommend if possible, that if you need to work during this time, that you cut down your hours to just part-time. If you must continue to work full time, this does not mean that you can’t still benefit from a plant dieta, we just recommend that you align your schedule so that you can still honor a balanced morning and evening intention and prayer ritual, with 3-4hrs per day of concentrated self care and meditative practice.
Online Check-in Sessions via Zoom
Each online check-in session, will last between 30-60min. The goal is to offer emotional and spiritual support when needed, but not to talk more than is needed, and to concentrate on aligning maintaining the energies of the dieta. During these sessions, we will sing icaros, have intentional dialogue, and offer targeted insights and guidance when aligned.
The Contract
The Goal
What Plants Will Be Available For In-Home Dietas
Bobinzana (Calliandra angustifolia)
Ajo Sacha (Mansoa alliacea)
Mucura (Petiveria alliacea)
Una De Gato (Uncaria tomentosa)
Jergon Sacha (Dracontium loretense)
Uvos Colorado (Spondias mombin)
Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus krukovii)
What Plants won’t Be Offered For In-Home Dietas & Why?
Some of the teacher plants, and protection trees, which we have dieted in our training, will not be offered in this setting, as the container for these such plants & trees must be held in isolation, surrounded by nature & under close energetic advision & management from a Maestro Curandero/Shamanic Teacher, where the dietero(one who is dieting the plants) can be completely focused on their relationship with the plant without distraction. Too much distraction and energetic intermingling while dieting these such plants may do more harm than good. For this reason we preserve these advanced plants for those who come with us to the Amazon to take part in plant dietas at our Peruvian jungle healing center called The Avatar Centre. If you are interested in learning more about Master Plant Dietas in the Amazon, and how these such initiations could benefit your life, we invite you to reach out to us to learn more. We will be making at least one trip per year back to the Amazon to facilitate in depth 1-3 month dietas and training programs.
We look forward to hearing from you, and encourage you to explore this modality for healing and connection.
““After 10+ years of work with Ayahuasca and other plant medicines, I can honestly say that Pamela and Brown’s container is the safest I have experienced to date. They are a loving, experienced, highly knowledgable power team who really deeply understand and communicate with the plants they work with.
I’ve now done 2 dietas with them, one in person as part of their 7-day dieta programs and one online, as part of their In-Home Plant Dieta Program. The experience of their care and attunement, as well as the knowledge and transmissions of each plant which came through their space holding, was truly life changing for me. The value of that is truly impossible to quantify!
I have been met in the deepest oldest pain and deepest karmic ancestral issues with so much love, patience, and benefit of the doubt. I have felt an incredible amount of spaciousness to both be myself, and lovingly called back into deeper relationship with the plants through Pamela’s council especially, as she held space for my Online Dieta. I’ve also had really positive experiences with Pamela doing channellings for me and helping me diagnose and treat physical and spiritual ailments. I always leave those sessions feeling deeply seen, accurately diagnosed, and like I’ve just spoken with a good friend whom I trust.
I’d recommend Maestros Pamela & Brown to anyone on the path, whether you’re new to this work with plant medicines or a seasoned veteran.””