Maestro Curandero, Palero, Ayahuascero & Teacher of the Path of the Sacred
Maestro Brown Koroskenyi / Brother Bear
Brown is an expressive musician, eloquent writer, a husband & father, a happy plantsman, and an earth medicine healer. At 43 yrs old, Maestro Brown humbly and courageously walks the path of his spirit. With each day it unfolds leading to new insights and offerings for the world. He has worked with plant medicines both casually and intensively over the course of 22 years, and has practiced the art of drumming to induce trance for over 20 yrs. What he later identified as the ancient art of shamanic drumming, has aided him in reaching altered states of consciousness, helping him to communicate with other realms, facilitate energetic clearings, and gather information from the ether, to bring back to “ordinary” reality, in effort to enhance his own life and offer support to those around him.
As a self-taught musician, he has been practicing his craft for 2 decades, and has recorded and performed in several musical projects, successfully playing approximately a dozen instruments throughout his musical path.
From early life visions of his future self, to adolescent out-of-body experiences, to becoming a deep listener of ambient sounds, Brown has trained his ear and transmitting/receiving mechanisms to reveal and refine the gift of deep listening, allowing him to hear music and melodies in the ether and environment around him, receiving songs for the purpose of enjoyment, healing, connecting with the earth and communicating with other entities, ascended masters and realms. He first experienced this type of open channel in his mid 20’s, several years after his first experiences with Ayahuasca. Through his continued and committed work with Ayahuasca since 2013, he has been working to shed his old programming, which is allowing more doors to open all the time, both in his abilities to channel healing energies into ceremony, and in his relationships.
Brown integrates the teachings from spirit, Ayahuasca, Huachuma, and other plant medicines into his daily life, holding them all as sacred offerings from the divine. Being alternatively taught, primarily by the the natural world, the spirits, Ayahuasca, and what he calls his higher self, Brown has learned to embrace divine flow and timing. He has learned to release time & form oriented expectations when aligning to intentions, and to surrender to the synchronicities which flow back in response, understanding that right energies, people, opportunities and insights are drawn into our life experiences at exactly the right time they are needed, and if they are not here now, then they are not supposed to be.
Brown has a passion for jungle life, and finds great joy in working with the plants, developing gardens, learning about and identifying the native plant medicines, gathering seeds and baby plantlings from the forest, as he focuses on restoring plant diversity at the Avatar Centre. He’s been a driving force behind planting both food and medicine gardens, with the goal of developing food & medicine independence on the land for the future. His background in community gardening is lending itself well to helping the centre develop an earth service model, where everyone is encouraged to have some hand in caretaking the gardens, as well as harvesting and sharing in their fruits.
He feels it as a significant part of his purpose, to support others on their spiritual journeys, helping them to reveal their highest truth and purpose in each moment. With Ayahuasca as his ally, he furthers the pursuit of this mission to help bring man-kind back to a place of harmony with nature.
Maestro Curandero, Palero, Ayahuascero, Ancestral Wisdom Keeper & Teacher
Maestro Anael Rojas Rodriguez is a mestizo curandero with over 30 yrs of training and experience, healing with natural remedies and the mysteries of the natural world. His name Anael, which means the angel of love, is a name which he truly embraces and embodies in all he does, in the way he heals both men and women with great care, compassion and the utmost of respect, as if they were his own family. Anael’s ancestors come from the Achuar Tribe of the Amazon, and through his Achuar tribal lineage, he carries forth a vast range of ancestral Amazonian knowledge, and spiritual power. Anael began his path of curanderismo after spending months in hospital with an illness that the doctors could not understand nor offer accurate diagnosis for. Life’s synchronicities led him to encounter a curandera(ancestral Amazonian healer), who offered to heal him through dieta with the plants. Her remedies and spiritual guidance saved his life from what the doctors told him would claim his life. Upon being healed, Anael began studying more deeply the mysteries of the Amazonian plants and the elemental forces of God and nature. Through his dietas, spiritual initiations and healings of his own body, he began to receive direct transmissions from the divine, from angels, from god and from the plant spirits. Now, Anael is the holder of an immense amount of ancestral wisdom, which he graciously imparts on all of his students & patients. This knowledge includes profound understandings of plant remedies, human biology, psychology and spiritual mysteries. We have found Anael to be one of the most genuine and heartfelt teachers and curanderos that we have met to date, and always feel honored to work by his side, as teacher and brother in medicine. Anael is an incredible maestro, but he does not choose to be put on a pedestal, but rather prefers to be revered as an ally, a friend, a brother and a teacher. He truly seeks to serve the highest good of all over personal agenda, and teaches fully that the path to healing, is through mending one’s relationship with God, making peace within ones self and deep reverent connection with the heart and the natural world.
“The Avatar Centre is a very special place for healing. It is a spiritual center that I greatly respect. Many curanderos in my beloved jungle have lost their way since economics have entered this forest, especially in connection to the medicine. As a result, many places began giving people what they wanted instead of what they needed in exchange for money. Of course we all can benefit from bringing finances into our families, but true medicine work must come from the heart, and be offered as a service to God first and foremost. Both Brown & Pamela are great maestros, amongst some of the best I have had the pleasure of meeting & working with. They have truly done the work, and continue to do what it takes to always be in a state of growth and expansion, and they always lead from the heart. A curandero must always be growing, learning, investigating and discovering and they understand this and have truly committed themselves to this sacred path. Because they are not native to the Amazon means nothing to me…in my eyes they are truly children of the forest, and deserve the utmost of respect, because the medicine that they each carry is real and important. People of the world are becoming increasingly sick, but the world itself is not a sick place, and together with curanderos like Maestro Brown & Pamela, we can help remind people here in the jungle and around the world that we truly live in paradise, and help to cleanse peoples minds and bodies so that they can see this too.” Maestro Curandero Anael Rojas Rodriguez (translated from Spanish)
Maestra Curandera, Esoteric Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Channeler of the Akashic Records
Maestra Pamela Lyness / Cyana
Maestra Pamela’s history as a healer stretches back to her childhood, when she was recognized early on as a clairsentient. She first learned about channeling, various healing tools, and esoteric teachings from her mother, who also has been a great healer and channeller for the last 40 years. Pamela’s journey has since led her around the world — from studying indigenous ceremonial ways off the coast of British Columbia, to where she lives now in the Peruvian Amazon. She has trained in multiple healing modalities, including yoga, Fields of Consciousness, and Ch’en Le’en. She is a medical intuitive who uses Pranic healing to heal the bodies, and is a certified sound healer by the UK Sound Healer Association. She has recently received training in the Compassionate Inquiry program for Therapists created by Gabor Mate.
Since 2012, Pamela has lived in the Peruvian Amazon, where she studies the Amazonian medicines, with Ayahuasca as her main mentor and guide. Over the past 8 years, she has trained with Maestros from the Shipibo tribe and the Peruvian Mestizo tradition. She currently lives in an off-grid centre in the Amazon jungle town of Tamshiyacu with her American born husband and their son. Together, they host plant dieta retreats with local curanderas (healers).
Pamela began offering channeling sessions after she had a vision quest with Huachuma, a master teacher plant from the Andes of Peru, that opened that ability. She offers channeling ceremonies and past life readings in which she guides from her soul’s lineage, and heals with the Transcendence codes that she has been honored to carry on this earth. In her extensive plant dietas over the past 8 years, she has accrued her own icaros, plant songs taught in isolated dietas in the jungle, which she uses to heal her clients in-person at the Avatar Centre, during her online sessions, & around the world as a part of plant medicine ceremonies.
Private Sessions with Pamela include channeling of the Star Nations, referred to as "The Ancient Ones." Diagnosis of illnesses or energy blocks and their causes; ancestral and past life patterns to cleanse and create vibrational attunement. These codes have the potential to transcend vibrational patterns in the etheric field of all living beings. The use of the codes are applied to alleviate pain, discomfort, distortions in perception and unconscious behaviors, as to open up one's essence to realize one's own soul's path. Sessions include singing the icaros and may include plant medicines as aids to the process. Compassionate listening and guiding one to connecting with the body and one’s soul essence may arise in the process. Online sessions over video chat are available using Zoom.
Maestra Celia Panduro Huayta
Celia Panduro Huayta is a traditional Maestra Curandera & Perfumera from the Shipibo-Conibo tribe. The Shipibo tribe is thought to be one of the largest and the oldest indigenous groups of the Amazon, nowadays especially centralized around the jungle city of Pucallpa. As a result, the Shipibo culture produces more traditional healers than any other tribe in the Amazon. Celia, like many in the shipibo tradition, comes from a long line of healers, and was raised from childhood learning the medicines, singing icaros, taking plants to heal both common and very rare symptoms, as well as drinking ayahuasca and other plants to receive visions and insights into her future. Nowadays Celia facilitates Ayahuasca Ceremonies, as well as healing programs & traditional shamanic dieta initiations for for both locals and foreigners, to allow them to all to heal & learn with the Amazonian plants. With or without the influence of finances, Celia is a healer, and has made a commitment to this path for life, with the goal of bringing a better quality of life to all. She also administers healing remedies, plant baths, and vends her handiworks, which she creates as an act of meditation in her downtime. All of her creations are a paying of homage to the sacred union between the plants and the healing traditions of her beloved ancestors. Her persona is sweet and joyous, and in ceremony she presents herself with power and conviction, holding a safe, healing and loving space for all who enter.
“I am very committed to my work at The Avatar Centre, because I believe in the power of what we are doing in people’s lives. Don Brown & Pamela are some of the most dedicated healers I have ever met. They do not just give people medicine and walk away, they enter deep within the healing process of each of their patients, and guide them with care, patience & precision into the light. Don Brown is a Maestro Curandero who I respect. His icaros are beautiful & connected, & bring me powerful visions from the medicine when he sings, & he has proven to have the ability to heal his patients on a deep level. This is a sign of his connection to the plants & the curanderos of the past. There are many Ayahuasca Centers in the Amazon. I have worked at many over the years, & what I feel sets the Avatar Centre apart, is the level of love & care given to each of the guests, by the whole team at Avatar Centre.” Mama Celia Panduro Huayta (translated from the Spanish language)
Adela Navas-Videyra Master Healer/Curandera with 70 yrs experience
Adela Navas-Videyra
Adela Navas-Videyra is an 85 yr old Master Banco Level Curandera, Mapachera, Palera & Ayahuascera. Having started her remarkable journey learning and healing with the plant medicines, ayahuasca included at 11 yrs old, she is now with over 70 yrs experience in the shamanic arts. Adela has been a teacher and peer to some of the most well known and most revered shamans/curanderos in the Iquitos area, and is one of the most highly regarded and respected healers in the region. Carrying a fun and light energy with her everywhere she goes, both appearing and acting at least 20 years younger than her age, Adela truly embodies the energy of the vibrant and loving mother, but with the strength and ability in the astral realms of a great warrior and protector. Her ceremonies are strong to say the least, and her icaros both magically healing and protective. How she carries herself with the medicine, is of the highest integrity and skill, having vast experience with ayahuasca healings both local and at a distance, astral travel, psychic surgery, and more. While Adela is not able to assist with all ceremonies at The Avatar Centre, she is able to be brought in for special groups, where her services are most needed and when her schedule allows.